Here is the manual how to install new fresh backup in RHEL 7.
1.install xinetd service
2.create hpdp account
3.create FS /omni (this is where the IDB of DP goes)
4.create softlinks for omni
#cd /omni
#mkdir etc opt var
#cd /omni/etc/
#mkdir /opt
#cd /omni/var
#mkdir /
4.copy installer to the server
DP10 installer is = HPE_DP_10.00_for_Linux_DP_A1000_GPLx86_64.tar.gz
DP10.02 patch installer is = DPLNXBDL_01002.tar
5. extract all files
6. install /var/crash/DP10/DP_A1000_GPLx86_64/LOCAL_INSTALL
7. ./ -CM -IS
Then Patch :
./ -bundleadd b1002
GUI DP installation
C:\Installer\DP\HPE_DP_10.00_for_Windows_DP_A1000_Windows_OVMS\DP_A1000_Windows_OVMS\Windows\x8664 then setup.exe
Next--> next and select client
in feature chose
1. Installation Server (so we can use this server to install to windows servers)
2. Integrations> Virtual Env. Integration ( for VM backups)
Accept certificate from cellmanager
for media server
we only put ./ -IS
cause its only installation server
1.install xinetd service
2.create hpdp account
3.create FS /omni (this is where the IDB of DP goes)
4.create softlinks for omni
#cd /omni
#mkdir etc opt var
#cd /omni/etc/
#mkdir /opt
#cd /omni/var
#mkdir /
4.copy installer to the server
DP10 installer is = HPE_DP_10.00_for_Linux_DP_A1000_GPLx86_64.tar.gz
DP10.02 patch installer is = DPLNXBDL_01002.tar
5. extract all files
6. install /var/crash/DP10/DP_A1000_GPLx86_64/LOCAL_INSTALL
7. ./ -CM -IS
Then Patch :
./ -bundleadd b1002
GUI DP installation
C:\Installer\DP\HPE_DP_10.00_for_Windows_DP_A1000_Windows_OVMS\DP_A1000_Windows_OVMS\Windows\x8664 then setup.exe
Next--> next and select client
in feature chose
1. Installation Server (so we can use this server to install to windows servers)
2. Integrations> Virtual Env. Integration ( for VM backups)
Accept certificate from cellmanager
for media server
we only put ./ -IS
cause its only installation server